My expertise
- Associate expertise and pedagogy, field practice and formalization in order to serve people and companies in the Supply Chain Management fields
- Facilitate the interaction between Managing Directors and functional managers to ensure business value creation by Supply Chain Management
- Contribute to innovations and support corporate transformations
- Engage improvement actions and identify disruptions
- Develop management and leadership skills of supply chain actors
Service offer
The field of Supply Chain Management has been continuously evolving over the last years by becoming more professional and recognized by the companies through the identification of business value creation. 4 complementary pillars leverage people and companies development in Supply Chain Management as follows:
- I have been integrating for more than 30 years expertise and pedagogy to serve the transformation of people and organizations. My own pattern is to closely associate advisory and training, technical and management dimensions in order to share, to transfer and to enable growth by providing trust.
- I pay a lot of attention to autonomy and independency, which enable a free talk and write, which benefit to my clients.
- I integrate in the advisory missions and the training events both Top Management and professionals of Supply Chain and operational excellence within an international context.
- I contribute to the rcognition of Supply Chain Management as a business value leverage.


Steerco #2 Modélisation et optimisation des stocks
26 octobre 2020
Saint-Gobain Autover
Paris La Défense
Saint-Gobain Autover
Paris La Défense

Comment repenser l'entrepreneuriat post-Covid au Maroc ?
26 octobre 2020

Peter Drucker Forum
29th-30th October
Linkedin events
Next Generation Supply Chains: The Guide for Business Leaders
I am a contributor and honored to be in the group of other distinguished global business executives on “Next Generation Supply Chains: The Guide for Business Leaders.” Professor Michel Fender is an authority in supply chain management (SCM) and whom I had the privilege of learning from as part of the top-ranked TRIUM Global Executive MBA program. The book provides a new assessment for companies to leverage SCM…
Planète A - Plan B Faire société pour l'essentiel
Désormais en pré-commande. Ce livre manifeste montre comment l’entreprise et l’industrie peuvent contribuer à l’avènement d’une nouvelle ère de progrès: la Citessentielle
Je remercie les professionnels et experts suivants pour avoir enrichi ma réflexion par leur témoignage: Michel Fender, expert reconnu en transformation des organisations en supply chain…
Je remercie les professionnels et experts suivants pour avoir enrichi ma réflexion par leur témoignage: Michel Fender, expert reconnu en transformation des organisations en supply chain…
[#SupplyChain] La notion de résilience ressort comme l’une des clés permettant de combiner efficacité et pérennité... est-ce bien le remède miracle à tous les maux ? Résilience : Quels sont les trous noirs de votre supply chain ? (1/2)
[#SupplyChain] La notion de résilience ressort comme l’une des clés permettant de combiner efficacité et pérennité… est-ce bien le remède miracle à tous les maux?
Ewoud Huig, Vincent Houlliere, Rovere François
Ewoud Huig, Vincent Houlliere, Rovere François