Expert international en Supply Chain Management

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Next Generation Supply Chains: The Guide for Business Leaders

I am a contributor and honored to be in the group of other distinguished global business executives on « Next Generation Supply Chains: The Guide for Business Leaders. » Professor Michel Fender is an authority in supply chain management (SCM) and whom I had the privilege of learning from as part of the top-ranked TRIUM Global Executive MBA program. The book provides a new assessment for companies to leverage SCM…

Planète A - Plan B Faire société pour l'essentiel

Désormais en pré-commande. Ce livre manifeste montre comment l’entreprise et l’industrie peuvent contribuer à l’avènement d’une nouvelle ère de progrès: la Citessentielle
Je remercie les professionnels et experts suivants pour avoir enrichi ma réflexion par leur témoignage: Michel Fender, expert reconnu en transformation des organisations en supply chain…

[#SupplyChain] La notion de résilience ressort comme l’une des clés permettant de combiner efficacité et pérennité... est-ce bien le remède miracle à tous les maux ? Résilience : Quels sont les trous noirs de votre supply chain ? (1/2)

[#SupplyChain] La notion de résilience ressort comme l’une des clés permettant de combiner efficacité et pérennité… est-ce bien le remède miracle à tous les maux?
Ewoud Huig, Vincent Houlliere, Rovere François

The Next-Generation Supply Chain and how to add Resiliency to your Agile Operation Post Covid-19

Join me and Samy Kchok, during the webinar session on 📅April 28 at 🕑1 PM to discuss 👉 »The Next-Generation Supply Chain and how to add Resiliency to your Agile Operation Post Covid-19″ #webinar #registernow #supplychainvisibility #supplychain #resiliency #covid19.

Webinar to provide thoughts about the critical roles of Supply Chain Management for the new normal

I invite you to my next webinar to provide thoughts about the critical roles of Supply Chain Management for the new normal #supplychain #supplychainmanagement #digitalsupplychain #digitaltransformation

Reaserch Seminar about ERP & Business Transformation.

On this first day three distinguished speakers : Prof. Dr. Dil , Prof. Michel Fender and Prof. Marwan Sinaceur, are sharing their research about the subject. Tomorrow is going to be devoted to workshops to converge on research topics.